Mrayti Logo


متجر مرايتي

Who is Mrayti?

We will send you an email to reset your password. Greatest deodorant I've tried several brands of natural deodorants but this one is a winner !! Nooo Bad smell in the hottest summer days or after hard workout at the gym. Gorgeous products I didn’t expect i would ever have these curls Thank you♥️. Not my first time trying Cantu's products and I am satusfied. My curls are moisturied and smell magnificent ✨.

This company is:


Amman, Jordan

1-10 Employees

Founding year: 2016

Products & services of Mrayti

Product Juman Dead Sea Body Mud Mask 500 gm 99 Piasters Shipping Inside Jordan - Mrayti Store [ 9.990 ] image


Juman Dead Sea Body Mud Mask 500 gm 99 Piasters Shipping Inside Jordan - Mrayti Store [ 9.990 ]

This mask has been prepared by blending the enriching and nourishing minerals extracted from the Dead Sea mud. The minerals help to reduce excess oil, minimize pores and moisturize the skin...

Product Juman Cleanser Mineral Rich Facial Cleansing Lotion with Dead Sea Minerals 200 ml 99 Piasters Shipping Inside Jordan - Mrayti Store [ 12.500 ] image


Juman Cleanser Mineral Rich Facial Cleansing Lotion with Dead Sea Minerals 200 ml 99 Piasters Shipping Inside Jordan - Mrayti Store [ 12.500 ]

Extremely gentle, hydrating and non-irritating cleanser. It can be used to remove make-up and pull out skin-clogging impurities, ensuring a deep hydration effect. Made in Jordan  200 ML best...

Product جمان غسول للبشرة بأملاح البحر الميت 200 مل | الاردن-متجر مرايتي image


جمان غسول للبشرة بأملاح البحر الميت 200 مل | الاردن-متجر مرايتي

اشتري جمان غسول للبشرة بأملاح البحر الميت 200 مل صنع في الاردن منتجات طبيعية للعناية بالبشرة في الاردن-عمان 0797978050

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Health Care
Web Design


Consumer Goods and Services

Use Cases of Mrayti


pillow case

اكثر من 5 الاف صبيه بتنام على مخدات الساتان من مرايتي صار وقت تدللي بشرتك وشعرك وتنامي على مخدة ساتان اكثر من عشرة الوان لتختاري منها بتحافظ على بشرتك وما بتطلع حبوب بتحافظ على الشعر وبتمنع نفشته أطلبي وحدة واحصلي على الثانية مجانا للطلب عبر الموقع للطلب عبر الواتساب ضليت فترة طويلة مترددة أشتري وجه المخدة الساتان من ع

Contact of Mrayti

City: Amman

State: Amman

Country: Jordan

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Mrayti

The company Mrayti is located in Amman, Amman, Jordan. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Mrayti has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

Mrayti was founded in 2016

The company Mrayti has it's main focus in the industries of Consumer Goods and Services